KellyWilson’s diary

I love my country, I earn by what I love. I work as a writer and editor of some sites. I have no problems that cannot be solved; everything can be solved and the right path can be found

The Magnificent Six: Business Books for Beginners

Culture of growth, scaling, entering new markets, renewal - these are the words we usually hear when we talk about the development of an existing business. But what do those who want to launch a startup or turn their hobby into a full-fledged brand that makes a profit? Now it's time to start your own business: widespread digitalization, and some companies feel comfortable within Instagram-accounts. The books that we have picked up here are the best about business for beginners that have appeared in our store over the past couple of years.


Mark Rosin "Success without strategy. Like Plan and Robitize Business."

The "opportunist" leaders - who are they? The reckless managers who deny the importance of a strategic plan for the company or the basis of management in the XXI century? Business consultant with 20 years of experience, Mark Rozin, understands how to organize work, motivate, evaluate and develop subordinates without a heavy rigid strategy.


Lee Galahher "Airbnb. How three simple guys created a new business model."

More and more people are finding loopholes in the standard "course-work-own business" path. This is the story and service of Airbnb, told by Lee Gallagher, senior editor of the American business magazine Fortune. It's a magical and slightly adventurous adventure that starts with a sleepover on an inflatable mattress and ends with thousands of employees and billions of dollars in revenue.


Phil Knight's "Boutta-Boutta. "Istoria Nike, Told by Yippee."

If you run well, it means you can be a great athlete. Or the creator of one of the most recognizable brands in the world. The latter is confirmed by Phil Knight, who started his business with $50 and resale of Japanese sneakers. It's a motivating story college paper writing services for aspiring businessmen that dreams come true - if you do everything you can to fulfill them.


Eric Reece "The Startup Method. "Entrepreneurial management principles for long-term company growth."

Business often becomes a haven for enthusiasts, because who else is ready to tolerate phakapas and bureaucracy for the first few years? And if the initial fuse is gone, then large financial influences will not help. That's why Eric Reece, the founder of the Lean Startup movement, tells how to stay flexible and keep innovative potential at any stage of business development. Risk - and win!


John Warrilow "Business Fag is the key. "As a companion, I'd like to prazuvatize without you."

Leave a company that has spent so much effort and needs to be led to the top? It's hard for an ambitious executive to imagine that. It seems that you'll always have to devote 100% of your time and energy to your brainchild. Influential B2B marketer John Warrylow proves: it is more reasonable to create a project that will successfully function without its creator.


Sophia Amoruso "#Girlboss. "How I created a million-dollar business without money, an office, or higher education."

Starting conditions: no education, no money, no credit either. They've been fired from work. Ready in 9 years to own a business worth $100 million? But Sofia Amoruso was able and now shares crazy and real stories of launching and developing her company. Her goal is to inspire women to fulfill their dreams of a business that will make a profit.